Dharma is a fascinating and subtle topic the study of which helps us in the unfolding of the deepest truth of who we were born to be. Dharma has many meanings, but it is essentially our own path of right living. It involves the concept of turning towards the light no matter what is happening. Dharma is said to underpin everything in our lives.
Originating from the wisdom that was laid down in the Vedas, dharma refers to teachings, values, obligations, duties, the laws, justice, and everything related to the sustaining of a high vibration of life and being ness.
If we are looking to find meaning in our lives, if we want to experience deep satisfaction and progress, look no further than dharma.
The sacred root mantra Om is one of the keys to aligning with our dharma. We will have practice sessions of om, mixed with other mantras as they arise, including Om Shanti.
This 3 day intensive experience will involve:
$550 3 day retreat with Shakti Durga and Gayatri
$360 concession price Payment plans for those who need them.
Lunch included: Salad wraps, dips and fruit provided for lunch included in price. To aid catering, you are encouraged to make your registration by Tuesday 21 January.
NOTE: A Seva coordinator to purchase and manage provision of a simple lunch each day will gain free entry. Please apply to Mantrini if that sounds like you at info@shaktidurga.com.
Participants will be invited to contribute seva on a roster for lunch clean up. Garden sweeping and watering will also be offered as seva. Kindly bring gloves and walking shoes as well as a hat for outdoor activities
7am Meditation with Cows, Harmony Centre Field
8.30am Breakfast (self catered BYO)
10am – 11.30am Welcome and introduction
Morning tea
12noon – 1.30pm Dharma teachings
2.30pm-4pm Practical reflections, exercises, dharma sharing
4pm Seva
7am Meditation with Cows, Harmony Centre Field
8.30am Breakfast (self catered, BYO)
10am – 11.30am Spiritual Practice and Clearing
Morning tea
12noon – 1.30pm Dharma teachings
2.30pm – 4pm Practical reflections, exercises, dharma sharing
Afternoon tea
4.30pm Seva – Archangelic Portal ceremony and preparation for Shanti Dharma Water Ceremony for World Peace
7am Meditation with Cows, Harmony Centre Field
8.30am Breakfast (self catered, BYO)
9.15am Shanti Dharma Practice water ceremony for World Peace (optional sponsorship, sponsors pour and place flowers SPONSOR
10.30am – 12noon Satsang
Morning tea
1pm – 2.30pm Dharma Vision
3.30pm – 4pm Wrap up and where to next
Afternoon Tea
4.30pm Seva, Archangelic Practice