Our beliefs form orbs of consciousness into which we move and through which some people unquestioningly run their lives. In these self-made bubbles, associations between emotions, worldly situations, people, and the meaning ascribed to any particular thing becomes set and appears to us as a stable, unquestionable reality. These orbs weave through our ego and dull the eyes of the soul, diminishing the latent Divine fire within.
The Divine fire is in us already yet it requires the lightning bolt of energy to rouse it to the height of its intrinsic greatness.
When the Divine enters into our play of consciousness, what we previously took for granted or saw as the ideal may suddenly seem hollow and without foundation. Our rational positions may shatter like a pane of glass dropped on stone from a great height. New considerations we never previously noticed can bring altered perspectives, so much so that we can even do a complete backflip around what is right and what is wrong in any given circumstance.
Deconstruction occurs before reconstruction, as any home renovator well knows! During this intuitively guided weekend, Shakti Durga will call upon Lord Ganesha to help us manage the transformation into a new level of connection, consciousness and stability.
There will be a focus upon the root of our being, the Muladhara chakra, beginning on Friday evening with an exploration of the muladhara chakra, ruled by the fabulous Lord Ganesha.
Saturday will be dedicated to Ganesha’s aunt, the great Mother Saraswati. She is the Goddess who helps us to bring order out of chaos, and who can be invoked to awaken our outlook on life to bring harmony, balance and flow.
And on Sunday we will weave the energy of wisdom, pure consciousness and the foundation to awaken our inner awareness for a brand new look at our lives. We will then call upon Shambo Shankara, to bring forth the lightning grace of new awareness.
If you have been in the question with things, or feeling stuck, during this weekend we will connect with the Lord of the Earth and the Goddess of Sound and grace.
This program will also be preparation for the visit by His Holiness Yogiraj Amir Jyoti, a Himalayan Master who will be in Sydney and Cooranbong on dates yet to be fixed, between 21 August and 8 September. Stay tuned for more information on programs with Him, and come if you possibly can, this and all of Swamiji’s programs are offered by donation.
Friday 19 August
7pm – 9pm Open program meditation and music on Lord Ganesha and Mulhadhara chakra
Saturday 20 August
8am – 9.30am Gayatri and Saraswathi Mantra and meditation
10am – 11.30am Discernment teachings, Ganapati, dealing with details
Unmasking our consciousness
Sunday 21 August
9.30am-11am Divine Lightning Babaji Satsang at THC blessings for higher consciousness.
12.00-1.15pm Shiva Nataraj Fire Puja (monthly Shiva fire puja) with prasad, followed by lunch. Sponsorship available $54
After lunch, we will have a working bee to ensure that the house and garden are spotless for the Divine presence of Swamiji on 28 August (the following weekend).