NavaratriĀ is an ancient annual Goddess festival. It celebrates the inevitable defeat of darkness and dullness, ignorance and pain by the vastness of Divine love and wisdom. In the wonderfully evocative way of the Sages of India, there are stories to delight our hearts and inspire us in our own lives, to bring forth victory of the soul over ego, love over fear and wisdom over ignorance and delusion.
This year we will focus upon the grace of the Triple goddess, Durga Lakshmi and Saraswati. We will continue the use of the traditional Navadurga or 9 forms of the goddess to invigorate and enlighten our energy centres. We will also give time and consideration to our life as a vehicle for the Divine Mother. How can we be part of the play of grace, what is our calling arising from within? How can we make a difference, right now, exactly as we are, offering what we have, and finding the deep satisfaction that comes when we allow ourselves to believe in the better world that is waiting to materialize. Instead of giving in to feelings of despair and hopelessness about the state of the world, we can merge with the Goddess and access the miraculous.
We will be active in asking the Divine to enter the battlefield and avert Crisis and flashpoints in world affairs. They will not go away without the spiritual people of the world calling to the Divine to intervene and diffuse evil, tyranny and oppression.
Each day duringĀ NavaratriĀ there will be sessions where we can be together online and there will be opportunities for puja and community over the weekend of 1 and 2 October. Come to what you can, and sessions will be recorded if you would like to catch any of them later.
This divinely inspired program is open to all, you can expect powerful sacred energy and blessings, discourses and meditations, sacred music and lots of openhearted bliss.
These priceless experiences are offered by donation to help our community embody the spirit of giving and loving and sharing.
Day 1, Monday 26 September
7.30am Mantra Meditation. Shailaputri, Bhu Devi, Lakshmi And Muladhara chakra
7pm Grounding Divine fire into lived grace. What calls us? What is ours to be and do? Introduction to Navaratri. Introduction to this years themes of:
1. The triple goddess
2. Grounding Divine fire into lived expression of goodness and transformation
Goddess of Infinite Power and Strength. Gets rid of fears. Overcomes adversity. Sets us free
Day 2, Tuesday 27 September
7.30am Mantra Meditation. Bramacharini and Parvati Devi
7pm Sacral. Creative centre. What is ours to create? Story of Parvati and Shiva
Day 3, Wednesday 28 September
7.30am Mantra Meditation. Chandra Ganta. Saraswati. Solar Plexus
7pm Own practice, no class
Day 4, Thursday 29 September
7.30am Mantra Meditation. Kushmanda Heart Chakra. Divine Mother in infinite forms
7pm Michaelmas. Narayani, cosmic mother. Durga Lakshmi Saraswati. Sarva Mangalam
Day 5, Friday 30 September
7.30am Own Practice, no class
7pm Mantra Meditation, creating of the new. Skandamata. Pleiades, Secondary throat chakra
Day 6, Saturday 1 October
8am Mantra Meditation. Vak Devi. Sacred Sound
5pm KirtanĀ At the Harmony Centre with Shakti Durga and Maitreya, also online. Saraswati, Goddess of Wisdom
Day 7, Sunday 2 October (PLEASE NOTE: Sydney/Cooranbong moves into Daylight Savings at 3am today)
In-person at the Harmony Centre and Online
9.30am Satsang. Guardian angel. Gayatri
12noon Durga Fire Puja and blessingsĀ Goddess of Mantra who calls the Divine. Kalaratri. Aspect of Kali. Asking the Goddess to enter the battlefield, the power of prayer. SPONSOR
2pm (approx) Lunch at The Harmony Centre
Day 8, Monday 3 October
7.30am Mantra Meditation. Lakshmi, Maha Gauri. Goddess of Beauty, Flow and Wealth
7pm Focus upon what I desire to create. Iccha shakti and Nirpayata
Day 9, Tuesday 4 October
7.30am Mantra Meditation. Siddhadatri. Saraswati
7pm Continue focus upon joy and creation. Lalitha Sundari. Goddess of Playfulness and Beauty
Dusserah, Wednesday 5 October
7.30am Mantra Meditation. Vijaya Devi. Victory to the Divine Mother. Durga the spirit of all Gods
10am Fire Puja and blessings at the Harmony Centre. SPONSOR
12.30pm Lunch at The Harmony Centre