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Therapist Training – Trauma Focussed Care

September 21, 2022 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


Many of the people who seek our services have been subject to some kind of trauma.  Lift and IYS therapy both have a lot to contribute in this space. We can help people to release energetic baggage and get on their feet again. It is important that we continue to stay up to date with what is happening in the world of therapy and the various approaches that are effective in helping those who have experienced trauma.

Shakti Durga invites you to join her in attending training in Trauma Focussed Care offered by Liz Mullinar of the Heal for Life Foundation.

Liz has become an expert in the field, helping people for over 20 years who have a history of childhood sexual and other forms of trauma. For more on Liz and her foundation please see her website


Training Program

The course will run online over 8 weeks on Wednesdays starting at 6.30 pm (Sydney time) on 21, 28 Sept, 5, 12, 19, 26 Oct, 2, 9 Nov.

New York: Sept 4.30am / Oct & 2 Nov 3.30am / 9 Nov 2.30am; London: Sept 9.30am / Oct 8.30am / Nov 7.30am.

Each session is approximately 1.5 hrs with Liz Mullinar. Shakti Durga will offer sessions later in the year for attendees to cover the energetic application of Liz’s training. Stay tuned for those session dates.

What you will learn:

  1. What is trauma, the scientific basis for a trauma informed approach.
  2. Triggering: what is it, how it manifests? How to de-trigger clients successfully and teach them to do it for themselves.
  3. Safety. The reasons why feeling safe is as important as being safe, how to achieve this successfully in the counselling rooms and relationship.
  4. Inclusive language, the importance of it.
  5. Boundaries in the context of trauma informed practice.
  6. Recognition of the importance of emotions and the core basics of healing from trauma.
  7. Transactional Analysis and why it is useful to understand in this context.
  8. Attachment style. Preventing self-harm, looking at self and one’s own issues and self-care. Ensuring everyone is utilising the basics of running an empowering, non-hierarchical trauma informed service comfortably.

The training fee is $200 payable upon booking at which time you will be sent a dashboard link. The dashboard will provide access to session dates and times, class Zoom link, session recordings and resources.

Receiving 8 sessions of training for this fee is really amazing value. The TWBI is heavily subsidising this training for our therapists in recognition of the priceless assistance it will provide with a deeper understanding of this sensitive area of healing.

If you have any questions about the training please email Stella at info@thewbi.org

Liz Mullinar

When Liz Mullinar began recovering memories of childhood abuse in 1993 she found that few services existed which understood her need or those of other survivors.

In response to the lack of services Liz, and her husband Rod Phillips, helped found a nationwide charity ASCA (Advocates For Survivors of Child Abuse – now Blue Knot Foundation). ASCA was dedicated to raising awareness of child abuse and providing advocacy and support for survivors.

Over this time, Liz found the experiences of survivors and their innate knowledge of what they needed to do to heal were at odds with mainstream professional advice of the time. She had found that the one-hour a week counselling appointment, while very helpful, was a very difficult format to allow the release of deep emotions connected to childhood trauma within such a limited time frame and in a space that belonged to the counsellor and so did not feel totally safe.

As the organisation grew, the need for a Healing Centre to help survivors became apparent. They founded The Heal For Life Foundation in 1999 on 200 acres at Quorrobolong, near Cessnock in New South Wales, Australia.


September 21, 2022
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


Shakti Durga


+61 2 4977 3300


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