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Online Spiritual Satsang


Experience weekly Satsang online with a community of spiritual seekers, as we all share space to relax, let go of stress and negativity, and raise our vibration. It’s an experience for your heart and soul. A Gathering of like-minded people for a transformational experience of meditation, mantra, music and discourse. Open to all, no matter […]

Cooranbong Community Satsang

The Harmony Centre 213 Martinsville Road, Cooranbong, New South Wales

Join us, in-person at the Harmony Centre, Cooranbong, for our weekly community satsang. Satsang is open to all, no matter your experience level or faith. Sharing time in Satsang helps to dissolve our sense of separateness and hastens the journey towards inner peace. It’s an experience for your heart and soul. Shakti Durga will be […]

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Monday Meditation


Meditation is offered online with Nataraj, Anandamaya or Sri Suryani. The Zoom link will be sent to you upon booking. Offered by donation. Donate when you book. Or to donate later choose Donate in the menu bar above, then choose Events, from the drop down list scroll to find the date of the session and […]

Prayer Circle Online


Prayer is a powerful tool for bringing healing and wholeness into our lives. Prayer has been scientifically researched and reported to improve outcomes in human as well as nonhuman species. The weekly service of praying for others is offered free of charge in a multi-faith, non-denominational format where what we are doing is bringing the […]

Lakshmi Fire Ceremony


When we chant the beej sounds of the Mantras, we merge with the Fields of Consciousness that help us re-member and illuminate the Blueprint of our Souls.  In this Lakshmi Fire Ceremony, we call on the Divine Consciousness of Vishnu, the sustaining force of the universe, and invoke Lakshmi, the Great Shakti of Vishnu, the […]

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Loving from the Inside Out Meditation


Mid-week lift and shift to assist you with your Self-Esteem and Empowerment. We will focus on moving from separation to integration using mantra, guided visualisation, affirmations and exploration of self-forgiveness. Offered by donation NOTE: If paying by Paypal please click Next (when booking) to donate later at Donate / Events. Currently, Paypal payments need to […]

Full Moon Fire Ceremony


The energy of full moon is a particularly auspicious time to perform sacred ceremony. In this ceremony the energy of the Divine in the form of Narayani (Strength, Abundance and Wisdom) is invoked. This ceremony powerfully connects us with the Divine. Sponsoring the ceremony is a way of connecting even more powerfully with the energies […]

Get Tickets Free – $180.00

Online Spiritual Satsang


Experience weekly Satsang online with a community of spiritual seekers, as we all share space to relax, let go of stress and negativity, and raise our vibration. It’s an experience for your heart and soul. A Gathering of like-minded people for a transformational experience of meditation, mantra, music and discourse. Open to all, no matter […]

Cooranbong Community Satsang

The Harmony Centre 213 Martinsville Road, Cooranbong, New South Wales

Join us, in-person at the Harmony Centre, Cooranbong, for our weekly community satsang. Satsang is open to all, no matter your experience level or faith. Sharing time in Satsang helps to dissolve our sense of separateness and hastens the journey towards inner peace. It’s an experience for your heart and soul. Shakti Durga will be […]

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Ignite Your Spirit Healing Clinic

The Harmony Centre 213 Martinsville Road, Cooranbong, New South Wales

Ignite Your Spirit is a form of energy healing that practically and sensitively assists people to release blocks in their mind, body and energy field which are causing limitation or frustration. IYS works on a range of conditions, including pain relief, stress relief and relationship issues with self and others. Clearing the energy body also […]

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