Podcast: The Joy of Service – Discussion
Discussion of the teaching given by Goddess Artha on 17 March 2023. In this episode Shakti Durga adds her insight to the teaching given by Goddess Artha the week before. The discussion expands the teaching and forms an important bridge for listeners to fully engage...
Podcast: The Joy of Service
On 17 March 2023, Goddess Artha shared about the divinity of the Ego, the importance of service, the realms beyond death, the consequences of greed and control, and the human impact on the astral field. To listen to the discussion CLICK HERE
Devotion: Letters to Initiates 10 – Dasyam
Dasyam means being the servant. It inspires us to be constantly aware of the Divine as the conductor and orchestrator of our life, to whom we are a humble and devoted servant. We spiritual travellers want to be the hollow bone through which the divine current pours,...
Devotion: Letters to Initiates 9 – Vandanam
Our culture encourages self-absorption. Our ego quite enjoys this, and places itself at the apex of creation! The ego does not like to bow to anyone. It would prefer to be bowed to, or to avoid the whole subject. The soul on the other hand understands unity, humility...
The Inner Light
“There is a light that shines beyond all things on earth, beyond us all, beyond the heavens, beyond the highest, the very highest heavens. This is the light that shines in your heart.” So says the Chandogya Upanishad. To many the experience of the heart is...
The Ego & The Mangosteen – After Your Spiritual Intensive
During a Spiritual Intensive or Retreat, there is a process of growth and change that happens over time as your consciousness literally changes. And the change and growth and development of consciousness is something that is both subtle and real. Find out how your...
Podcast: Death and Continuous Consciousness
Mother Artha gave this teaching on 21 August 2020. She discusses death and the ability of some humans to attain continuous consciousness that survives death and evolves through lifetimes. Mother Artha discusses different types of human beings and how we are all meant...
Podcast: Blobs of Consciousness
Having Thoughts that are not Ours The astral field is like an ocean that we are swimming in and our thoughts are like bubbles that are emanating from us all the time. Those bubbles of thought tend to emanate outwards, in a sort of electromagnetic way. Imagine what...