Learning through Disagreement

Learning through Disagreement

There will be times we find ourselves in disagreements.  Here’s how to use those disagreements and to learn from them in a positive way. The quality of loving can be present even in the face of disagreement, and is evident by the tone used, the body language and...
Relationships Affect Your Health

Relationships Affect Your Health

Can relationships affect your health?   Yale University recently released a study of over 1500 heart attack patients under the age of 55 years. They followed their progress for twelve months after the event. Each one was asked to self report on their relationships by...
Overcoming Difference in Relationships

Overcoming Difference in Relationships

When differences arise in a relationship, how do you overcome them? And where do they come from? No matter how wonderful the person you fall in love with might be, sooner or later, you’re going to find that you do not agree on everything.  Sometimes there are...
Podcast: Mental Mastery

Podcast: Mental Mastery

Train your mind toward Creativity and Acceptance The mind is often used merely as an instrument by most people to show us what’s going on in the world. If someone’s doing something we don’t like, that registers in our mind and we label that person as “I don’t like...
Podcast: The Divine Mother

Podcast: The Divine Mother

A Tribute to Divine Mother The concept of Mother brings up, for most of us, feelings of love, support, and security. A mother provides shelter, nourishment, and encouragement – and according to Vedic and yogic tradition, our mothers are the first guru we ever have. In...
Podcast: Control and Power Games

Podcast: Control and Power Games

The Nature of the Ego and the Nature of the Soul. We are dual nature beings, meaning we have the nature of the ego and the nature of the soul. And both of these are trying to find a way to optimize our lives. But the only trouble is, they have different agendas and...
Podcast: Unconditional Love

Podcast: Unconditional Love

The Doorway to Love is Guarded by Fear When we’re in love, we just look like we’re glowing and we feel like everything is amazing! The flowers smell better and the sun shines brighter, and it seems like everything is heightened in its color. Have you ever felt that...