The Himalayas

The Himalayas

Namaste, I hope you are all well and enjoying life after our huge Navaratri celebration. I feel that many, including myself, were transformed by the tremendous presence of Ma Durga in the various meditations, pujas and music we all got to enjoy. From 20th to 22...
Mission Day 2024

Mission Day 2024

Mission Day an occasion for initiation, celebration and joy. An annual celebration of the event, on 28 October 2006, that began Shakti Durga’s journey as disciple to Parameshwari and Guru to those who are called to our amazing path of self-realisation . Traditionally...
Podcast: Lord Surya – Discussion

Podcast: Lord Surya – Discussion

Discussion of the teaching given by Lord Surya on 28 July 2023. In this episode Shakti Durga adds her insight to the teaching given by Lord Surya the week before, including working with Crystals. The discussion expands the teaching and forms an important bridge for...
Kirtan with Shanti Musicians

Kirtan with Shanti Musicians

Sacred music is such a wonderful way to engage your heart, mind and spirit. Come and enjoy good company and sacred music in the warmth and beauty of our Cooranbong Harmony Centre. Warm evenings, daylit hours, plenty of parking, open to everyone. Come and join us in...
Podcast: Sacred Mountains

Podcast: Sacred Mountains

Goddess Artha gave this teaching on 14 October 2022. She teaches about the spirituality and grounding nature of mountains; the importance of being grounded on a spiritual path; and the importance of befriending our emotions, especially the ones we think are ‘bad.’ She...