Energy Healing Training
Become an energy healer with our Energy Healing program – it’s a journey of a lifetime where you’ll be rewarded with the opportunity to serve and to make a living out of that service.
Ignite Your Spirit Energy Healing
One-on-One with Shakti Durga, these intimate IYS sessions (online or in person) reveal your radiant spirit, dispersing the clouds, to set us free to be who we really are. Shine with an inner lustre, spark and joy.
Group Healing
Through a group process, we dissolve what is energetically holding us back, including old patterns of conscious and unconscious blocks held deep within. As the energy starts to flow, new inspiration and a whole new set of possibilities are birthed.
Energy Healing Training
Become an energy healer with our Energy Healing program – it’s a journey of a lifetime where you’ll be rewarded with the opportunity to serve and to make a living out of that service.
Ignite Your Spirit Energy Healing
One-on-One with Shakti Durga, these intimate IYS sessions (online or in person) reveal your radiant spirit, dispersing the clouds, to set us free to be who we really are. Shine with an inner lustre, spark and joy.
Group Healing
Through a group process, we dissolve what is energetically holding us back, including old patterns of conscious and unconscious blocks held deep within. As the energy starts to flow, new inspiration and a whole new set of possibilities are birthed.