Peacefulness and Calmness

Peacefulness and Calmness

$5.00 inc GST

In this meditation, Shakti Durga guides us in releasing all stress, anxiety and energies that get in the way of peacefulness and calmness, with a focus on extracting the energy that we have inadvertently placed in stressful thought.  This then allows us to be open to form a new reality where the deep peace and Spirit of our higher soul can create a better tomorrow. We are recalibrated to the highest and best choices, surrendering what’s not good for us and keeping what is.

See below for more details.

Peacefulness and Calmness (28:55)

File Size: 69.5 MB

Recorded at Satsang in Cooranbong on 29th of October, 2017

This is a live recording and may contain sounds from the audience and surrounding environment.

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