The Divine is revealing the inner world to us here in our physical selves. And it is our non-localised consciousness that gives us the glimpses into Eternity, future and past.
The entire universe is evolving and changing with every breath we take, with every step and with every intention created by all of the people on Earth. Imagine the enormity of this dynamic state of being. And we are also changing all the time; even the cells of our body are dying and replacing themselves. Our experiences are adding up; we are choosing yes to this, and no to that countless times per day. But we sometimes don’t notice. This is because despite all the changes that are part of the experience of living, at the same time the parameters of our rational consciousness tend to be more fixed. This is necessary for us to have some stability in our understanding of the experience of life on earth.Â
Every now and then, however, we will go through some period of transition. We will know that change is upon us. And we may benefit from questioning or expanding the underpinning construct upon which our logic is built.
Years ago, I did not believe in states such as clairvoyance (seeing patterns of energy) or clairsentience (feeling energy with the hands and body), states that are now such a natural part of my everyday life. When these states first started to happen, it was shocking and quite tempting to shut them down. This is what can happen in any awakening experience large or small: the threat to what we have already convinced ourselves is ‘right’ can be so overwhelming that we refuse to see past it. In fact, we block our own development. Luckily for me I had people around me at the time who were able to support me in my discoveries, and I could then adapt the framework of my rational mind to incorporate non-local and non-physical data to a greater extent than previously.
Are you willing to open to the subtle part of life more than previously? Sometimes we need to ask for help, and to go on a journey of discovery. Over time we will find our own language of intuition, something that is sacred and precious to us and reliable, relatable and useful in daily life.
One way to begin is to intend to awaken your subtle senses. Ask to be drawn to a teacher, seminar, book, set of inspiration cards, temple, sacred place or group that can nurture your budding growth at this stage.Â
I hope that you find what you seek and that all good surrounds you.