The Inner Light
“There is a light that shines beyond all things on earth, beyond us all, beyond the heavens, beyond the highest, the very highest heavens. This is the light that shines in your heart.” So says the Chandogya Upanishad. To many the experience of the heart is...
Holy Water – How To Use It And The Benefits
What is Holy Water? How do we use it and what are the benefits? Holy Water is constructed through intention and through sacred ceremony whereby we honour and recognise the divine existing in all things. My first introduction to holy water came as a young Catholic,...
Mantra – A Gateway to Stillness & Bliss
Have you explored mantra? Here’s how it can impact your life and why you should try it out. I wasn’t so sure when I first started. What’s all this mantra about?! Repeating these words when I’ve got no idea what they even mean!...
Podcast: Body Divine – Discussion
Discussion of the teaching given by Mother Artha on 27 November 2020 In this episode Shakti Durga adds her insight to the teaching given by Mother Artha the week before, including reference to the Tree of Life in the Kabbalah. The discussion is delivered at a more...
Podcast: Body Divine
Mother Artha gave this teaching on 27 November 2020. She discusses the nature of light and consciousness, the sacredness of the body and the importance of caring for the body on the spiritual path. She also talks about the effect and benefits of daily spiritual...
Tuning into the Inner Realms & 3 Ways to Awaken Your Kundalini
An ordinary, average energy body will only be able to detect a small amount of data, whereas a large and developed energy field can detect a whole lot more. It is similar to the difference between the signals able to be received by a simple television antennae and a...
Meditation: Journey to the Centre of the Sun
In this Neo Shamanic meditation Shakti Durga takes you to the centre of the Sun, where you will experience the presence of angels, a singing discourse and purification, upgrade and blessing of your light body. In this meditation, Shakti Durga prepares your mind and...
Podcast: The Religion Of Materialism
The philosophy of materialism Materialism, as a belief system, has become so pervasive that we don’t even see that we’re swimming in it, that we take it for granted so much that we barely even realise that it exists. The main tenant of this philosophy is that if it...