The Importance Of Clean Food

by | 19 Sep, 2014

Learn the importance of clean food and why people on a spiritual path are often vegetarian.

It is so beautiful here in Spring at the Cooranbong Ashram. Jasmine, magnolias, azaleas and freesias are blooming in profusion. Much work has been going on in the garden by the amazing Vedanta Dev and his green thumbed team of merry men and women. Lantana has been cleared, new garden beds and various spring flowers are popping up, and our alfresco café is sun drenched, warm and wonderful.

Speaking of the café and the subject of food in general, I thought it would be good for us all to remember why our Ashram is vegetarian. Vegetarian food is lighter and energetically cleaner than meat based foods. Meat based foods includes anything that had eyes, so that includes fish and chicken.

We come to the ashram to learn about our spirit, to find love and deep Divine connectivity. Ingesting light, clean food is beneficial to that intention.

Eating meat can be demonstrated to stir up more emotions, chiefly anger. This is particularly so with red meat consumption. This subtle but real energetic effect is yet another reason that we try not to eat red meat at all on this path.

Eating meat can interfere with the intense flow of energy that our spiritual practices create, so that it is like two streams of energy that are incompatible, one from meat and one from spirit

I have known people to become quite unwell from mixing the two. At certain stages in our spiritual development, it is important to practice vegetarianism.

The aspect of compassion to all life is also important to remember.  A vegetarian diet is a way of respecting the rest of the animal kingdom with whom we share the planet.

We would really appreciate it if everyone could remember to keep our ashram vegetarian. This means, please do not bring any kind of meat onto the premises. Naturally, drugs and alcohol are also prohibited, because we are trying to expand our consciousness in an entirely natural and wholesome way.

While we are not judgmental of people whose habits are different to ours, and while some might eat meat from time to time elsewhere when not on retreat or not doing intensive spiritual training, the ashram is not the place for any kind of meat consumption. Thank you so much for your kind consideration and cooperation on this matter.

Many blessings, much love, and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Namaste, Om Shanti
Shakti Durga

Our Ashram has now moved to 213 Martinsville Road, Cooranbong and will re-open after Covid.



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