Podcast: Holding the Light as A Lightworker

by | 6 Sep, 2020

We are all contributing to more light

Lightworkers in any generation are people whose energy fields are larger, whose heart chakras are more sensitive, whose crown chakras are more developed than the average on the planet. And thus, they’re sensitive to stimuli that don’t affect other people at all.

When we do our spiritual practices, no matter what form they take, when we seek to expand our own light we can bring that light down through the body, out through the feet, and offer it to the leylines of the earth.



In this episode of Soul Talk:

In episode #94 Shakti Durga shares the lightworker’s roles and the difference that we can make for this world when we’re all contributing to more light. Tune in, and learn what it means to be empowered as a lightworker and the impact your soul can have.

Listen to more episodes of the Soul Talk Podcast here.



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