Podcast: Punish or Transform

by | 10 Apr, 2024

On 3 March 2023, Goddess Artha shared about Karma, the law of flow, younger and older souls, punishment versus transformation, how to respond to someone who has done something wrong, surrender, the global effect of personal transformation, and the Parameshwari mantra – Om Hreem, Shreem, Kleem Parameshwari Swaha.

Explanatory Note

Goddess Artha instructs in this episode to do the Ganesha Mantra (Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha) then the Parameswari mantra (Om Hreem, Shreem, Kleem Parameshwari Swaha). A recording of Om Hreem, Shreem, kleem Parameshwari Swaha is available here https://shaktidurga.com/product/parameshwari/

To listen to the discussion CLICK HERE



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