Well we had an amazing 11th Mission birthday on Saturday.
We are now in the 12th year of the mission, which somehow seems both auspicious and a new beginning.
Each year we have a new theme for the year. Last year it was making time for more love. Did you try that? Did it work for you? Making any kind of change requires that we give it attention and focus, because otherwise the momentum of what we are already doing causes us to continue to do it without really thinking about it, and change is illusive.
This year, the theme is creative contentment. I love that it is nuanced and capable of varying interpretations.
On one view it is becoming contented in our creative life, in another view it is getting creative with the cultivation of contentment in all areas of our life. Take your pick, or adopt both versions!
May your year be blessed and full of wonderful surprises, good health, loving people and ever deepening insights into the nature of self and life. And of course, may there be lashings of creative contentment.
Om Shanti,
Shakti Durga