The Sun King and Lunar Queen
As seekers of enlightenment, we are constantly engaging with the processes of personal and spiritual Alchemy – “the art and science of transformation”.
Western Alchemy states that we have a latent eternal wisdom and to access this wisdom, we must burn through our mundane ignorance. As with all traditions that open us to our eternal nature, Alchemy is expressed through symbols and allegory, and developing an understanding of these symbols, stories, poems and images is required to effectively ‘work’ this path. Alchemical symbols such as the Philosopher’s Stone, are known to us through popular literature and films such as Harry Potter, however the real meaning of the ‘stone’ remains a mystery until we take a dive into Alchemy.
DETAILS: Online Course
COST: $360 / $180
Western Mysteries
The Sun King and The Moon Queen are personifications of the archetypal polarities of masculine and feminine within us.
The Sun King and The Moon Queen are personifications of the archetypal polarities of masculine and feminine within us, which relate to different parts of our psyche. The wondrous marriage of these two parts of Self, is a significant component of the Alchemist’s journey of enlightenment, bringing the ‘birth’ of the Golden Child. Polarity becoming reconciled into wholeness or Oneness is the purpose of our existence – the yearning to ‘go home’ or ‘come home’ that exists within the heart of each of us.

Through these sessions you will:
- Cultivate deeper understanding of Alchemy as a path of enlightenment;
- Befriend and give balanced expression to the King and Queen within;
- Develop greater internal strength and steadfastness on your path;
- Deepen understanding of Isis and Osiris, and The Emperor and Empress of the Tarot;
- Practice guided meditations using the symbology of Alchemy;
- Deepen your relationship with Divine within.

Expressions of Interest
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